About me:
Graduated Nucamp full stack bootcamp in April 2020. I'm passionate about improving myself as a person and my knowledge in web development. I am eager to take on new challenges, find solutions, and am grateful for all opportuniites.

Graduated Nucamp full stack bootcamp in April 2020. I'm passionate about improving myself as a person and my knowledge in web development. I am eager to take on new challenges, find solutions, and am grateful for all opportuniites.
Listed are the tools I'm familiar with.
The classic first project. Made with CSS and JS, using a sexy, dark design to satisfy the hipsters.
Same, same- but different. An effort to refactor the original code using React.js and ReactStrap.
This project is made purely of HTML5 and CSS. Made to be a responsive, single-page site. Simple
and clean.
This UI project uses CSS and a bit of jQuery and Javascript as well as vibrant colors and a satisfying layout.
Using GitHub's API, search for users and see relevant user data, save repositories to your account with helpful notes using CRUD functionality!
Keep track of your contacts! Built with React, MongoDB, Mongoose and Express with simple login functionality and database.